Requests For Prayer
Electronic Prayer Line
Eucharistic Adoration Basket
Complete prayer request slip by the Adoration guestbook and place in basket located in Fr. Winkels Chapel. Adorers will lift your intentions up in prayer throughout the day.
Parish Book of Intentions
Write prayer intentions in book located on the stand in the gathering space. The parish assembly will include your intentions as part of the Prayers of the Faithful during Sunday Masses. Also, weekly Prayers of the Faithful sheets are available by the East exit door to take home.
Mass Intention and Consecrated Candles
Contact church office, 288-5528, to schedule a Mass or to have a consecrated candle lit for seven days in honor of a living or deceased person. Mass stipend is $5, Candle is $10.
Vigil Lights
Light a candle and say a prayer for a special intention. Suggested donation for cost of candle is $4. Vigil lights are located by the Pieta in the southeast corner of the main church.