Mary McCarthy – “A Pilgrimage of Hope: A Story of Cancer, Faith, and Medicine”
Mary McCarthy – “A Pilgrimage of Hope: A Story of Cancer, Faith, and Medicine”
Mary McCarthy, a Resurrection Church parishioner and lifelong Catholic, always thought she was in charge of her life until that fateful day in 2011 when she was told she had a Grade 3 incurable brain tumor.
Join Mary as she shares her story chronicling the challenges of radiation and chemotherapy, and her compelling journey of faith. Despite her cancer diagnosis, she found herself being called closer to God in the midst of her treatments and struggles.
What is CEO Rochester?
It is a new ministry starting at Church of the Resurrection and we want you to be a part of it.
It is a Christ-centered, Spirit-led, Lay-driven, Catholic Evangelization Outreach ministry.
CEO Rochester is real people sharing real stories. Changing our world, one witness story at a time.
What are the goals of CEO Rochester?
Our goals are: to encourage Catholics to study, learn and understand the truth of what the church teaches; to know and follow Christ and help others to do the same; to re-energize those currently participating in our faith; to welcome back those that have drifted away from the Catholic Faith; and to encourage a deeper relationship with the Trinity.
Prayer for Resurrection
Catholic Evangelization Outreach
God our Father, you created us in your image and likeness. Despite our sinfulness, you established a covenant to remind us of your love for us. When the appointed time came, you sent your Son to establish a new covenant built on love, mercy and peace. As followers of Jesus Christ, we have been asked to boldly preach Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. As the parish of Resurrection, we undertake our Savior’s mission in an evangelizing spirit. Send your Holy Spirit upon us to heed the words of St. John Paul the Great and his call to evangelize the culture of the twenty-first century with courage. May we begin in our homes, community and the people we encounter. When we face fear, give us hope. We implore the prayers of our Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is our protector and guide. We ask this prayer through your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.