Cash Calendar Raffle

Tickets for CA$H CALENDAR RAFFLE #3 are still available for purchase through Jan. 31, 2023. If you received Cash Calendar Raffle #3 tickets in the mail that you do not want to purchase, please return them to the Church Office ASAP. The deadline for all entry stubs, money, and unsold tickets to be returned is Jan. 31, 2023. This deadline allows time for all tickets to be accounted for, a requirement of the MN State Gambling Board.
Stop in the Church Office to purchase tickets at $25 per ticket. Each ticket purchase makes you eligible for 52 chances to win cash prizes ranging from $50 to $500. Remember that all ticket buyers and prize winners must be 18 or older. Each weekly winner’s name will be posted in the Church Bulletin. Checks will be mailed to the winners so fill in that entry ticket carefully and completely.
Update – We are doing well and if only 150 more tickets are purchased, our net profit will be the highest since we began this CA$H CALENDAR RAFFLE fundraiser in 2021. Remember this year’s profits help fund renovations in the Parish Rectory.
Categories: Announcements & Events