Resurrection Church Community Advent Rosary

PDF: Resurrection Advent Rosary
Advent marks a time of change. We begin a new liturgical year with a time of preparation and
penance. We open our hearts to the infinite mercy, grace, and forgiveness of God all while being
shrouded in mystery. That God would come to save His people is the single, greatest story in the
history of the world. There is mystery in that story and Advent unfolds the mystery. To prepare our
hearts for the story of the Incarnation, over the course of the twenty-seven days of Advent, I would
ask the parishioners of Church of the Resurrection to pray a daily rosary. The rosary will be offered
with a specific intention for each Advent day. The intentions focus on people and needs/petitions
which impact the lives of the people of the parish. At the end of the rosary is a prayer which I have
composed keeping in mind our deepest longing and desire – that we be one with the God we adore
and love. Know of my prayers for all of you this Advent and may voices and hearts proclaim anew
the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ. -Father Peter Schuster